·研究方向: 配位聚合与大分子设计;新型成纤高聚物设计、合成及应用研究
·荣誉获奖: 1、2012年度教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划 2、2012年度“曙光计划”项目 3、2010年度日本高分子研究奖励赏 4、2006年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金
·学习及工作经历: 1993.9 - 1997.7: 吉林工学院,高分子材料,学士 2002.9 - 2004.7: 日本东京工业大学,高分子化学与物理,硕士(导师:Takeshi SHIONO) 2004.9 - 2007.3: 日本广岛大学,高分子化学与物理,博士(导师:Takeshi SHIONO) 2010.8 - 2011.1: 美国芝加哥大学,访问学者 2007.4 - 2011: 日本广岛大学,助理教授 2011- 红是一世手机版足球网,教授
·主讲课程: 高分子化学、高分子合成化学
·主要论文: 1. Song, X.; Cao, L.; Tanaka, L.; Shiono, T.*; Cai, Z.* Optically Transparent Functional Polyolefin Elastomer with Excellent Mechanical and Thermal Properties ACS Macro Lett. 2019, 8, 299-303. 2. Structurally Simple Dinuclear Nickel Catalyzed Olefin Copolymerization with Polar Monomers, Cheng, H.;Wang, H.; Li, Y.; Hu, Y.; Zhang, X.*; Cai, Z.* J. Catal.2018, 368, 291-297. 3. Efficient Ethylene Copolymerization with Polar Monomers Using Palladium Anilinonaphthoquinone Catalysts. Ding, L.; Cheng, H.; Li, Y.; Tanaka, R.; Shiono, T.*; Cai, Z.* Polym. Chem.2018, 9, 5476-5482. 4. Wang, H.;Cheng, H.; Tanaka, R.; Shiono, T.*; Cai, Z.* Efficient Control of Ethylene–Norbornene Copolymerization Behavior of a Fluorenylamidoligated Titanium Complex: Substituent Effects of The Amido Ligand and Copolymer Properties, Polym. Chem.2018, 9, 4492-4497. 5. Wang, H.; Li, Y.; Cai, Z.* Substituent Effects of Phenyl Group on Silylene Bridge in Stereospecific Polymerization of Propylene with C1-Symmetric ansa-Silylene(Fluorenyl)(Amido) Dimethyl Titanium Complexes, Polymers2018, 9, 1075-1084. 6. Cheng, H.; Cai, Z.* (Anilino)anthraquinone Nickel-Catalyzed Random Copolymerization of Norbornene and Ethylene, ChemCatChem2018, 10, 497-500. 7.Neutral Nickel(II) Complexes Bearing Aryloxide Imidazolin-2-imine Ligands for Efficient Copolymerization of Norbornene and Polar Monomers, Li, M.; Cai, Z.*; Eisen, M.S.* Organometallics2018, 37, 4753-4762. 8. Li, M.; Shu, X.; Cai, Z.*; Eisen, M.S.* Synthesis, Structures and Norbornene Polymerization Behavior of Neutral Nickel(II) and Palladium(II) Complexes Bearing Aryloxide Imidazolidin-2-imine Ligands, Organometallics2018, 37, 1172-1180. 9. Cheng, H.; Su, Y.; Hu, Y.; Zhang, X.; Cai, Z.* Ethylene Polymerization and Copolymerization with Polar Monomers Using Nickel Complexes Bearing Anilinobenzoic Acid Methyl Ester Ligand, Polymers2018, 10, 754-763. 10. Song, X.; Ma, Q.; Cai, Z.*Synthesis of Hydroxy-functionalized Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene Using Fluorenylamidotitanium Complex, Chines J. Polym. Sci. 2018, 36, 171-175. 11. Fu, X.; Zhang, L.; Tanaka, R.; Shiono, T.*; Cai, Z.* Highly Robust Nickel Catalysts Containing Anilinonaphthoquinone Ligand for Copolymerization of Ethylene and Polar Monomers, Macromolecules2017, 50, 9216-9221. 12. Song, X.; Yu, L.; Shiono, T.*; Cai, Z.* Synthesis of Hydroxy-Functionalized Cyclic Olefin Copolymer and Its Block Copolymers with Semicrystalline Polyolefin , Macromol. Rapid Commun.2017, 38, 1600815. 13. Sun, Y.; Xu, B.; Shiono, T.*; Cai, Z.* Highly Active ansa-(Fluorenyl)(amido)titanium-Based Catalysts with Low Load of Methylaluminoxane for Syndiotactic-Specific Living Polymerization of Propylene, Organometallics2017, 36, 3009-3012. 14. Sun, Y.; Li, S.; Shiono, T.*; Cai, Z.* Substituent Effects of Adamantyl Group on Amido Ligand in Syndiospecific Polymerization of Propylene with Ansa-Dimethylsilylene(Fluorenyl)(Amido) Zirconium Complex, Polymers2017, 9, 632-641. 15. Song, X.; Ma, Q.; Cai, Z.*; Tanaka, R.; Shiono, T.*; Grubbs, R.B.* Facile Synthesis of Novel Polyethylene-Based A-B-C Block Copolymers Containing Poly(methyl methacrylate) using a Living Polymerization System, Macromol. Rapid Commun.2016, 37, 227-231. 授权专利: 苯胺蒽醌后过渡金属配合物及其制备方法与应用,蔡正国、程程龙,ZL 201610693376.4 苯氧2-亚胺咪唑烷金属配合物及其制备方法和应用,蔡正国、李明远,ZL 201610693597.1 超高分子量乙烯/苯乙烯类共聚物及其制备方法,蔡正国、马琼、袁浩波,ZL 201610693547.3 功能性超高分子量聚乙烯及其制备方法,蔡正国、马琼、李天佑、史新豪、郭敏,ZL 201610693533.1 一种功能性环烯烃/苯乙烯类共聚物及其制备方法,蔡正国、周健,ZL 201610693531.2
近几年承担的科研项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目三项(21174026, 21474013, 21774018),主持人 红是一世手机版足球网中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(励志计划项目),主持人 红是一世手机版足球网基本科研业务费(追加)专项资金,主持人 日本国家科学研究费,“环烯烃共聚物的精密合成”,项目负责人; 日本学术振兴会青年学者海外派遣基金,“乙烯与极性单体的共聚合”,主持人