发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2018-05-21    浏览次数:
  • 赵昕












2003.10–2007.06  红是一世手机版足球网红是一世手机版足球网高分子材料与工程专业学士

2007.09–2013.01  红是一世手机版足球网红是一世手机版足球网材料科学工程博士师从张清华教授

2010.10–2012.10  美国德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校机械工程学院联合培养博士生师从Professor Rodney S. Ruoff



1. X. Zhao, Y. Du, L. Jin, Y. Yang, S. Wu, W. Li, Y. Yu, Y. Zhu*, Q. Zhang*. Membranes of MnO Beading in Carbon Nanofibers as Flexible Anodes for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 14146

 2. X. Zhao, C. Chen, Z. Huang, L. Jin, J. Zhang, Y. Li, L. Zhang*, Q. Zhang*. Rational design of polyaniline/MnO2/carbon cloth ternary hybrids as electrodes for supercapacitors. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 66311

 3. X. Zhao, Y. Du, Y. Li, Q. Zhang* Encapsulation of manganese oxides nanocrystals in electrospun carbon nanofibers for supercapacitos. Ceramics International, 2015, 41, 7402

 4. H. X. Ji, X. Zhao (Co-first author), Z. H. Qiao, J. Jung, Y. Zhu, Y. Lin, L. Zhang*, A. MacDonald, R. Ruoff*. Capacitance of Carbon-Based Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors. Nature communications, 2014, 5, 3317.

 5. X. Zhao, L. L. Zhang, M. Shanthi, M. D. Stoller, Q. H. Zhang, Y. W. Zhu*, R. S. Ruoff*. Incorporation of Manganese Dioxide within Ultraporous Activated Graphene for High-performance Electrochemical Capacitors. ACS Nano, 2012, 6(6), 5404.

 6. L. L. Zhang, X. Zhao (Co-first author), H. Ji, M. D. Stoller, L. Lai, S. Murali, S. Mcdonnel, B. Cleveger, R. M. Wallace and R. S. Ruoff*. Nitrogen doping of graphene ans its effect on quantum capacitance, and a new insight on the enhanced capacitance of N-doped carbon. Energy & Environmental Science, 2012, 5(11), 9618.

 7. X. Zhao, Q. H. Zhang*, Y. P. Hao, Y. Z. Li, Y. Fang, D. J. Chen. Alternate Multilayer Films of Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Exfoliated Graphene Oxide Fabricated via a Facial Layer-by-Layer Assembly. Macromolecules, 2010, 43(22), 9411.

 8. X. Zhao, Q. H. Zhang*, P. Lu, D. J. Chen. Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Graphene-based Poly(vinyl alcohol) Composites. Macromolecules, 2010, 43 (5), 2357.

 9. Yingzhi Li, Qinghua Zhang, Junxian Zhang, X. Zhao*, A top-down approach for fabricating free-standing bio-carbon supercapacitor electrodes with a hierarchical structure. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 14155

 10. Z. L Huang, X. Zhao*, J. Ren, Y. Li, Q. H. Zhang. Electrochemical Deposition of Nanostructured Manganese Oxide on Carbon Cloth for Flexible High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes. Journal for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , 2015, Accepted.

 11. P. P. Yu, X. Zhao, Z. L. Huang, Q. H. Zhang. Free-standing three-dimensional graphene and polyaniline nanowire arrays hybrid foams for high-performance flexible and lightweight supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(35), 14413. 

 12. Y. X. Du, X. Zhao, Z. L. Huang, Y. Z. Li, Q. H. Zhang. Freestanding composite electrodes of MnOx embedded carbon nanofibers for high-performance supercapacitors. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(74), 39087.


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金  (51403036)   锂离子电池用聚酰亚胺基柔性电极材料的制备与电化学性能     2015.01- 2017.12     主持

2. 教育部博士点基金(新教师类) (20130075120018)   泡沫状石墨烯/导电聚合物纳米结构的构筑及电化学性能研究    2014.01-2016.12     主持

3. 上海市科委青年科技英才扬帆计划(14YF1405300)  石墨烯基电极材料的功能化及其电化学性能研究   2014.07-2017. 07    主持

4. 上海市教委晨光计划(14S10656) 电活性分子改性三维石墨烯/导电聚合物复合材料的制备与电化学性能   2014.07-2016.07    主持

5. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金(2232014D3-09)三维石墨烯的功能修饰及其电化学特性 2014.01-2016.12    主持