发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2018-07-01    浏览次数:



范宇驰,红是一世手机版足球网研究员,博士生导师。2013年于日本东北大学材料加工专业获得工学博士学位,之后入选日本学术振兴会特别研究员(JSPS Fellow)并继续在东北大学从事高性能结构陶瓷复合材料的研究;2015年加入日本九州大学应用化学系从事面向能源应用的低维粉体复合材料的开发工作,同时兼任WPI国际碳中和能源研究所(I2CNER)研究员。2016年进入红是一世手机版足球网功能材料研究所工作。目前已获得上海市浦江人才计划(A类)和国家自然科学基金青年及面上项目支持。2018年荣获上海市自然科学二等奖(排名第三)和硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会优秀青年奖。



1. 面向陶瓷基复合材料的二维材料宏量制备与高效复合

2. 结构-功能一体化电磁屏蔽/吸波材料

3. 陶瓷基热电能源转换材料



长期从事结构功能一体化陶瓷复合材料研究,并对以石墨烯为代表的二维材料为增强相的陶瓷复合材料的制备及性能研究做了大量工作。研究并开发出了以机械剥离法和异相沉积法为代表的一系列先进、高效、具有普适性的复合陶瓷粉体制备方法,为获得高分散、高质量的含有二维增强相的复合陶瓷奠定了坚实的基础。在这一基础之上,通过对各种不同基体陶瓷复合材料的研究,陆续发现了二维材料增强的陶瓷复合材料中许多前所未有的优异性能。其中,通过石墨烯与氧化物基体材料的协同作用实现了对复合陶瓷材料中p型与n型载流子类型的的调控,从而首次赋予了结构陶瓷类半导体性能,为结构功能一体化陶瓷的研究和应用开辟了全新的领域。迄今为止在Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Carbon, Acta Materialia等众多国际知名杂志期刊上共发表了40余篇SCI收录的论文。



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,517020452018.1-2020.12,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,519720532020.1-2023.12,主持。

3. 上海市浦江人才计划,17PJ14002002017.7-2019.6,主持。

4. 上海市自然科学基金面上项目,17ZR14009002017.5-2020.4,主持。



[1] Xiaofang Lu, Qihao Zhang, Jincheng Liao, Hongyi Chen, Yuchi Fan,* Juanjuan Xing,etc., High‐Efficiency Thermoelectric Power Generation Enabled by Homogeneous Incorporation of MXene in (Bi,Sb), Advanced Energy Materials DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201902986 (2019).

[2] Jiaxin Ma, Wenhao Li, Yuchi Fan,* etc., Ultrathin and Light-Weight Graphene Aerogel with Precisely Tunable Density for Highly Efficient Microwave Absorbing, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b17849 (2019).

[3] Z. Zhou, J. Li, Y. Fan*, Q. Zhang, X. Lu, S. Fan, K. Kikuchi, N. Nomura, A. Kawasaki, L. Wang, W. Jiang, Uniform dispersion of SiC in Yb-filled skutterudite nanocomposites with high thermoelectric and mechanical performance, Scripta Materialia 162 (2019) 166-171.

[4] W. Zhou, P. Mikulova, Y. Fan*, K. Kikuchi, N. Nomura, A. Kawasaki, Interfacial reaction induced efficient load transfer in few-layer graphene reinforced Al matrix composites for high-performance conductor, Composites Part B-Engineering 167 (2019) 93-99.

[5] C. Wu, J. Li, Y. Fan*, J. Xing, H. Gu, Z. Zhou, X. Lu, Q. Zhang, L. Wang, W. Jiang, The effect of reduced graphene oxide on microstructure and thermoelectric properties of Nb-doped A-site-deficient SrTiO3 ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 786 (2019) 884-893.

[6] X. Lu, P. Lu, Y. Fan*, W. Zhou, S. Gu, Z. Zhou, J. Zhang, L. Su, L. Wang, W. Jiang, Structurally nanocrystalline electrically monocrystalline Sb2Te3 with high thermoelectric performance, Scripta Materialia 166 (2019) 81-86.

[7] W. Zhou, Y. Fan*, X. Feng, K. Kikuchi, N. Nomura, A. Kawasaki, Creation of individual few-layer graphene incorporated in an aluminum matrix, Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 112 (2018) 168-177.

[8] J. Ru, Y. Fan*, W. Zhou, Z. Zhou, T. Wang, R. Liu, J. Yang, X. Lu, J. Wang, C. Ji, L. Wang, W. Jiang, Electrically Conductive and Mechanically Strong Graphene/Mullite Ceramic Composites for High-Performance Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10(45) (2018) 39245-39256.

[9] C. Guo, F. Chu, P. Chen, J. Zhu, H. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Fan*, W. Jiang, Effectively enhanced thermopower in polyaniline/Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 nanoplate composites via carrier energy scattering, Journal of Materials Science 53(9) (2018) 6752-6762.

[10] Y. Fan, L.-J. Wang, W. Jiang, Graphene Based Oxide Ceramic Composites with High Mechanical and Functional Performance: from Preparation to Property, Journal of Inorganic Materials 33(2) (2018) 138-146.

[11] Y. Fan, X. Feng, W. Zhou, S. Murakami, K. Kikuchi, N. Nomura, L. Wang, W. Jiang, A. Kawasaki, Preparation of monophasic titanium sub-oxides of Magneli phase with enhanced thermoelectric performance, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 38(2) (2018) 507-513.

[12] P. Chen, Z. Zhou, W. Jiang, W. Luo, J. Yang, J. Zhu, L. Wang, Y. Fan*, Enhancing the thermoelectric performance of filled skutterudite nanocomposites in a wide temperature range via electroless silver plating, Scripta Materialia 146 (2018) 136-141.

[13] B. Zhou, W. Luo, S. Liu, S. Gu, M. Lu, Y. Zhang, Y. Fan*, W. Jiang, L. Wang, Enhancing the performance of Ce:YAG phosphor-in-silica-glass by controlling interface reaction, Acta Materialia 130 (2017) 289-296.

[14] M. Wang, S. Gu, W. Jiang, H. Lin, Y. Fan*, Origin of ultraviolet photoluminescence in zeolite-derived glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 471 (2017) 462-466.

[15] X. Feng, Y. Fan*, N. Nomura, K. Kikuchi, L. Wang, W. Jiang, A. Kawasaki, Graphene promoted oxygen vacancies in perovskite for enhanced thermoelectric properties, Carbon 112 (2017) 169-176.

[16] Y. Fan, S. Ida, A. Staykov, T. Akbay, H. Hagiwara, J. Matsuda, K. Kaneko, T. Ishihara, Ni-Fe Nitride Nanoplates on Nitrogen-Doped Graphene as a Synergistic Catalyst for Reversible Oxygen Evolution Reaction and Rechargeable Zn-Air Battery, Small 13(25) (2017).

[17] Y. Fan, L. Kang, W. Zhou, W. Jiang, L. Wang, A. Kawasaki, Control of doping by matrix in few-layer graphene/metal oxide composites with highly enhanced electrical conductivity, Carbon 81 (2015) 83-90.

[18] Y. Fan, G. Igarashi, W. Jiang, L. Wang, A. Kawasaki, Highly strain tolerant and tough ceramic composite by incorporation of graphene, Carbon 90 (2015) 274-283.

[19] Y. Fan, M. Estili, G. Igarashi, W. Jiang, A. Kawasaki, The effect of homogeneously dispersed few-layer graphene on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al2O3 nanocomposites, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34(2) (2014) 443-451.

[20] Y. Fan, W. Jiang, A. Kawasaki, Highly Conductive Few-Layer Graphene/Al2O3 Nanocomposites with Tunable Charge Carrier Type, Advanced Functional Materials 22(18) (2012) 3882-3889.

[21] Y. Fan, J. Li, X. Liu, L. Wang, X. Chen, S. Sun, A. Kawasaki, W. Jiang, A microexplosion method for the synthesis of graphene nanoribbons, Carbon 49(4) (2011) 1439-1445.

[22] Y. Fan, L. Wang, J. Li, J. Li, S. Sun, F. Chen, L. Chen, W. Jiang, Preparation and electrical properties of graphene nanosheet/Al2O3 composites, Carbon 48(6) (2010) 1743-1749.






