发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2020-11-26    浏览次数:


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Dr. Linfeng Ding







研究方向(Research Interests)


(Mechanical Properties of Glass and Glass-ceramics;Development of Advanced Glass and Enamel Materials)


工作经历(Working Experience)

2022/09-至今,    红是一世手机版足球网,红是一世手机版足球网,副研究员


2019/06-2020/05,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,博士后(合作者:John Mauro教授)

2015/10-2018/09 德国肖特集团,研究实习员

教育经历(Education Experience)




承担项目(Project Experience)

1.     2023-2026, 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,项目骨干

2.     2022-2024,国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持

3.     2022-2024,   上海市浦江人才计划D类,主持

4.     2022-2025,上海市自然科学基金面上项目,主持

5.     2019-2020,德国科学基金委DFG Fellowship,主持

近期论文(Recent Publications) 第一/通讯20+

1.      Y. Xu#, S. Liu#, L. Ding*, J. Li*, M. Song, L. Wang. Ion exchange of glass under high pressure. Scripta Materialia. 2024;251,116221.

2.      J. Liu, L. Ding*, Q. Wang, L. Luo, H. Wang*. Recycling of arsenic residue to basalt fiber via vitrification. Ceramics International, 2024;50:36622-36630.

3.      L. Ding#*, R. Lu#, L. Wang, Q. Zheng, J. Mauro, Z. Zhang*. Nanoindentation-induced evolution of atomic-level properties in silicate glass: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 2024;107:1448–1458.

4.      J. Zhu, L. Ding*, G. Sun*, L. Wang. Accelerating design of glass substrates by machine learning using small-to-medium datasets, Ceramics International, 2024;50:3018-3025.

5.      J. Liu, W. Qingwei, H. Zhang, L. Luo, L. Ding*, W. Shi, W. Jiang, H. Wang. Recycling of arsenic residue and waste soda-lime silicate glass via vitrification. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2023;609:122300.

6.      W. Shi, M. Ding, L. Luo, L. Ding*, H. Li, Q. Wang*. Effects of reducing atmosphere and iron content on UV transmission property of alkali-silicate and alkali-borosilicate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2023;604:122135.

7.      L. Ding, Y. Xu, R. Yang, Y. Yang, R. Lu, H. Liu, H. He, Q. Zheng*, J. Mauro*. Lateral-pushing induced surface lift-up during nanoindentation of silicate glass. Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 2022;105:2625–2633.

8.      L. Ding, K. Doss, Y. Yang, K. Lee, M. Bockowski, S. Demouchy, M. Thieme, B. Ziebarth, Q. Wang*, M. Smedskjaer, J. Mauro*. Volume relaxation in a borosilicate glass hot compressed by three different methods. Journal of The American Ceramic Society.2021;104:816–823.

9.      Q. Wang, Q. Zhang, L. Luo, T. Yan, J. Liu, L. Ding* & Jiang, W. Effects of high-temperature treatment and iron reduction index on tensile strength of basalt continuous fiber. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2021;564:120836.

10.   L. Ding, K. Lee, T. Zhao, Y. Yang, M. Bockowski, B. Ziebarth, Q. Wang*, J. Ren, M. Smedskjaer, J. Mauro*. Atomic structure of hot compressed borosilicate glasses. Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 2020;103:6215–6225.

11.   L. Ding, C. Qu, Y. Yang, C. Wilkinson, K. Lee, A. DeCeanne, K. Doss, J. Mauro*. Dilatometric fragility and prediction of the viscosity curve of glass-forming liquids.Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 2020;103:4248–4255.

12.   L. Ding*, M. Kerber, C. Kunisch, B. Kaus. Plastic yielding of glass in high-pressure torsion apparatus. International Journal of Applied Glass Science. 2019;10:17-26.

13.   L. Ding*, M. Thieme, S. Demouchy, C. Kunisch, B. Kaus. Effect of pressure and temperature on viscosity of a borosilicate glass.Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 2018;101:3936–3946.

14.   L. Ding*, S. Buhre, C. Kunisch, B. Kaus. Pressure dependence of density and structural relaxation of glass near the glass transition region.Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 2018;101:1149–1158.


国际合作(International Collaborations)

