发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2021-04-13    浏览次数:






TEL: 18521302161

We-chat: 18521302161

EMAIL: houkai711@dhu.edu.cn

Ÿ 研究方向:


Ÿ 教育及科研工作经历:

[1] 博士后:20181月-202012月,红是一世手机版足球网,合作导师: 朱美芳教授;

[2] 博士:20137—20181月,红是一世手机版足球网纳米纤维及杂化材料,导师:Benjamin S. Hsiao 教授; 朱美芳教授;

[3] 硕士:20128—20137月,红是一世手机版足球网,生物化学与分子生物学

[4] 本科: 20039—20077月,山东轻工业学院(现齐鲁工业大学)生物工程  


Ÿ 荣誉获奖:

[1] 2020年上海市科技进步一等奖,微细聚烯烃纤维设计制备及其高端医用防护材料应用开发(朱美芳; 罗章生; 相恒学; 朱慧飞; 周哲; 何力军; 周家良; 巫国谊; 朱倩沁; 胡泽旭; 俞森龙孟哲一; 侯恺刘爽; 单磊

Ÿ 承担项目:

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (51803022) (2019.01~2021.12, 主持);

[2] 中国博士后科学基金资助面上项目 (2018M631980)(2018.05~2020.05, 主持);

[3] 上海市“超级博士后”激励计划 (2018.3-2020.2, 主持);

[4] 中国科学院学部咨询评议项目(2020.06~2021.12, 参与, 项目联系人)

[5] 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (51733002)(2018.01~2022.12, 参与);

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (51972056)(2020.01~2023.12, 参与);

Ÿ 代表性论文:

[1] Peiling Wei, Kai Hou*, Meifang Zhu* et al., Ligament-inspired Tough and Anisotropic Fibrous Gels Belt with Programmed Shape Deformations via Dynamic Stretching, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 10.1021/acsami.1c02351.

[2] Kai Hou, Meifang Zhu* et al., A novel leaf inspired hydrogel film based on fiber reinforcement as rapid steam sensor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 382, 122948.

[3] Peiling Wei, Kai Hou*, Meifang Zhu et al., Conductive Self-healing Nanocomposite Hydrogel Skin Sensors with Anti-freezing and Thermo-responsiveness, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 3068.

[4] Tao Chen, Kai Hou*, Meifang Zhu* et al., Tough Gel-Fibers as Strain Sensors Based on Strain – Optics Conversion Induced by Anisotropic Structural Evolution, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 9675.

[5] Guoyin Chen, Kai Hou*, Meifang Zhu et al., A simple inorganic hybrids strategy for graphene fibers fabrication with excellent electrochemical performance, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 450, 227637. 

[6] Peiling Wei1, Kai Hou1, Meifang Zhu* et al.,Reactive spinning to achieve nanocomposite gel fibers: from monomer to fiber dynamically with enhanced anisotropy, Materials Horizons, 2020, 7, 811.

[7] Kai Hou, Meifang Zhu* et al., Fiber forming mechanism and reaction kinetics of novel dynamic-crosslinking-spinning for Poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate fiber fabrication, Polymer, 2019, 183, 121903

[8] Tao Chen1, Kai Hou1, Meifang Zhu* et al., Nanoparticle-Polymer Synergies in Nanocomposite Hydrogels: From Design to Application, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2018, 39, 1800337.

[9] Kai Hou, Meifang Zhu* et al., Continuous fabrication of cellulose nanocrystal/poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate hydrogel fiber from nanocomposite dispersion: Rheology, preparation and characterization, Polymer, 2017, 123, 55.

[10] Kai Hou, Meifang Zhu* et al., A Novel NIR Laser Switched Nanocomposite Hydrogel as Remote Stimuli Smart Valve, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2017, 302, 1700213.

[11] Kai Hou, Meifang Zhu* et al., Large Scale Production of Continuous Hydrogel Fibers with Anisotropic Swelling Behavior by Dynamic-Crosslinking-Spinning, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2016, 37, 1795.

Ÿ 发表论著:

[1] 朱美芳, 王玉萍, 张耀鹏, 侯恺.《中国新材料产业发展年度报告2019—聚合物纤维材料产业发展现状及趋势》

[2] 朱美芳, 侯恺, 胡泽旭. 《中国新材料研究前沿报告2020——生物医用纤维》

Ÿ 授权专利:

[1] 朱美芳, 侯恺, 成艳华, 杨升元. 一种具有超快速各向异性吸水性能的PEGMA/PEGDA水凝胶纤维的制备方法. 专利号:ZL201510429927.1

[2] 朱美芳, 侯恺, 林韵呤, 陈少华, 成艳华. 一种具有可调环境温度响应的水凝胶基智能纤维的制备方法. 专利号:ZL201510429926.7

[3] 朱美芳, 侯恺, 林韵吟, 周哲, 陈文萍. 一种具有双重温度响应的智能水凝胶纤维的制备方法. 专利号:ZL201510430284.2

[4] 朱美芳, 侯恺, 汪慧怡, 成艳华, 江晓泽. 一种连续微米级Clay/PEGDA杂化水凝胶纤维的制备方法,专利号:ZL201510428790.8

[5] 朱美芳, 侯恺, 夏梦阁, 汪慧怡, 孙宾. 一种连续微米级PEGDA水凝胶纤维的制备方法,专利号:ZL201510430260.7

[6] 朱美芳, 危培玲, 侯恺, 夏梦阁, 孟周琪, 成艳华, 周哲.一种二次交联提高水凝胶纤维力学性能的方法, 专利号:ZL201610606995.5