发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2024-02-26    浏览次数:









毛晓卉,红是一世手机版足球网,讲师,上海市高层次人才(海外),蒙泰课题组(朱美芳院士团队)成员。博士和博士后毕业于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学材料与化学工程系(导师:Hongbo Zeng院士)。主要从事水处理方面的研究,开发功能材料用于解决实际生产问题并探究作用机理,包括油水分离、染料、金属离子的吸附、蛋白质吸附等过程中的界面问题研究,基于原子力显微镜测力技术,对气-液-固体系中的多种分子间作用力进行表征。此外,在电池粘结剂、食品/药物递送等方面也有相关研究。近年来,在专业领域TOP期刊Chem. Eng.J., J. Colloid Interface Sci. Sep. Purif. Technol.等杂志发表论文20余篇。



1. 亲疏水性智能调控材料及作用机理

2. 粘结剂的表/界面相互作用力与分子设计

3. 基于天然生物基大分子的微乳液/胶囊



2016.01 2021.05  博士, 材料与化工学院,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学

2013.09 – 2015.12  硕士材料与化工学院,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学

2008.09 – 2012.06  学士, 分子科学与工程系,化学学院,南开大学



2023.06 – 至今   讲师,  红是一世手机版足球网,红是一世手机版足球网

2021.06 – 2023.05  博士后, 材料与化工学院,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学



Materials Analysis and Characterizations》,研究生英文课程,参与授课



1. 中央高校基本科研业务自由探索项目,壳聚糖与多价态金属离子的分子间作用研究及实际应用拓展,2024.12026.12主持

2. 荣耀终端公司,高性能粘结剂材料研究,在研,主持



1. X Mao, F Wang, B Lu, T Tang, Q Liu, and H Zeng. Novel polymer nanoparticles with core–shell structure for breaking asphaltenes-stabilized W/O and O/W emulsions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 640 (2023): 296-308.

2. X Mao, Z Zhao, D Yang, C Qiao, J Tan, Q Liu, T Tang, H Zhang, H Zeng, Facile and scalable surface functionalization approach with small silane molecules for oil/water separation and demulsification of surfactant/asphaltenes-stabilized emulsions, Separation and Purification Technology. 285 (2021) 120382.

3. X Mao, D Yang, L Xie, Q Liu, T Tang, H Zhang, and H Zeng. Probing the Interactions between Pickering Emulsion Droplets Stabilized with pH-Responsive Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125, no. 26 (2021): 7320-7331.

4. X Mao, J Tan, L Xie, J Wang, and H Zeng. Novel multifunctional solid slippery surfaces with self-assembled fluorine-free small molecules. Chemical Engineering Journal 404 (2021): 127064.

5. X Mao, G Lu, L Xie, H Qian, X Wang, and H Zeng. Novel Fe3O4 based superhydrophilic core-shell microspheres for breaking asphaltenes-stabilized water-in-oil emulsion. Chemical Engineering Journal 358 (2019): 869-877.

6. C Qiao, D Yang, X Mao, L Xie, L Gong, X Peng, Q Peng, T Wang, H Zhang, and H Zeng. Recent advances in bubble-based technologies: Underlying interaction mechanisms and applications. Applied Physics Reviews 8, no. 1 (2021): 011315.

7. X Wei, X Mao, W Qin, H Zeng, and J Han. Synthesis of a green ALG@ KLN adsorbent for high-efficient recovery of rare earth elements from aqueous solution. Separation and Purification Technology 325 (2023): 124690.

8. J Tan, X Mao, W Hu, and H Zeng. Facile fabrication of non-fluorine polymer brush/loop surfaces for oil/water separation and self-cleaning applications. Separation and Purification Technology 331 (2024): 125565.


